الصحة Health

يتلقى المرضى المحتاجين للرعاية الصحية خلال مسار اعانتهم بالعديد من التسهيلات العلاجية الى ان يصلو مرحله التعافي وتعمل على نشر الوعي الكبير تجاه الامراض أسباب حدوثها وكيفية تجنبها.Through its Mashareeh Foundation in the health sector, it works to provide primary, secondary and emergency health care services and a package of minimum health service standards, which includes maternal and child health, reproductive health services and medical referral services, as well as the provision of medicines, medical supplies, medical equipment and operational expenses for health facilities in detail in order to ensure access to aid and services. Life-saving health care services are provided with high quality in small areas, according to what I say.

HHRSD response to COVID-19 in Yemenالإستجابة لمشاريع الصحة

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